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Family Workshop: Digital Parenting in Elementary School

In response to PS154 family requests, we’re thrilled to announce an upcoming parent/caregiver workshop dedicated to digital safety. Join Sarah Gallagher Trombley, ex-Snapchat Executive, mother and author of "Thoughts from a digital mom" as she shares tips for safely managing technology with elementary age children. Her mission is to help parents navigate the digital world with and for their kids by providing insight, advice and practical tips. Her work and messages cover a wide range of digital topics including how to set up digital house rules, understanding and implementing parenting controls, social media primers for adults, as well as how and when to choose the right devices for your child. Sponsored by the PTA, this event is open to all families.  Sarah will join us live in the MMR, and we will also be broadcasting on Zoom.

If you have topics you’d like Sarah to cover, please let us know!